In the field provided, enter your target keyword related to the post or reel
Click the generate button to generate unique and relevant hashtags in seconds
Once done, copy and paste the hashtags on your next post/reel
Use our free web tool to instantly generate hashtags for your Instagram photo, video or reel
Flexilocus's Instagram hashtag generator is 100% free to use
No data are uploaded or sent to any server. The hashtag generation process takes place entirely on the users' browser. 100% safe and secure.
No limit on the number of hashtags you can generate.
Generating hashtags for Instagram has never been this easy
Our tool lets you create unique, relevant and customized hashtags for your next Instagram content
The user-friendly UI makes the tool extremely simple to use and you can create any number of hashtags instantly
Adding relevant hashtags to your Instagram post or reel helps you to get more reach and more followers
Easily create hashtags for Instagram
Safe and secure
100% Free
Customized for each post
No data ever leaves your device
Works on all devices
Our tool lets you come up with unique and customized hashtags in seconds
Simply enter a keyword and boom, our tool will take care of the rest
Instagram post or reels with relevant hashtags will reach more audience and increases the reach