Firstly, select the image from which you want to get the color code
Click anywhere on the selected image
Color code for the selected area will be displayed in HEX, RGB and HSL
Use our free color picker tool to upload and get color code from any part of an image
Flexilocus's image color picker tool is 100% free to use.
No images are uploaded or sent to any server. The process takes place entirely on the users' browser. 100% safe and secure.
No limit on the number of images you can analyse. Got 1,000 images? Bring it on!
Getting color code details from images has never been this easy
Our tool displays the color info from any image you select in less than a second
The tool gives you the color code in multiple formats like HEX, RGB and HSL
Flexilocus image color picker is 100% accurate and returns the exact color code
Easily get color code from any image
Safe and secure
100% Free
Supports HEX, HSL and RGB
No data ever leaves your device
Works on all devices
Our tool lets you upload and get color code for any specific part of an image
Support all popular images formats
Simple to use, straightforward and instant!